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Questions to Ask When Choosing a Frameless Glass Shower Screen

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A frameless glass shower screen can open up your bathroom and make it look airy and bright. It may also be a cleaner choice than a standard shower curtain, as the glass may be less likely to hold mold and mildew than most shower liners. Before you choose a frameless glass shower screen for your bath, note a few things to keep in mind.

1. Ask if it needs to be installed on the left or right of your tub.

In many cases, a frameless glass shower screen can be installed on either side of your tub, but it's good to ask about this before making your choice. You may need certain hinges for a certain side of the tub, or if you choose frosting or another decorative finish, this may affect the overall look of the screen. In any case, always ask about the side of the tub you want the shower screen on and ensure it will work for your choice.

2. Note if someone should come out and measure for the screen

Typically, a shower screen will have a gap at the top so that it doesn't actually rub against your bathroom ceiling, so there is not usually a need for a precise measurement as to height. You can also typically note the width of a shower screen yourself and consider the best measurement for your tub. However, if you're choosing a screen for a corner shower or a custom shower, you might ask about having someone measure the space to ensure the shower screen will fit.

3. Ask about any special features in your tub or shower

While a frameless glass shower screen will fit most tubs and walk-in showers, there may be special features about your tub or shower that will make it impossible to fit such a screen. For instance, if the shower is very large and with decorative steps, then they might get in the way of the screen; if you have chair rails or safety rails, they might prevent the screen from opening all the way; or if a tub has high-powered jets, they might actually damage the glass screen.

In some cases, you may have other options; for instance, if you have handrails on the tub that prevent the screen from swinging in or out, you might choose a more narrow width so that you can simply step around the screen and don't need it to be hinged. A thicker glass with a protective coating might protect a shower screen from the pressure of jets. Don't assume that frameless glass showerscreens are out of the question for you but simply ask about these special features so you know all your options.
